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Công tắc hai chiều có gì khác so với công tắc một chiều?

Công tắc hai chiều có gì khác so với công tắc một chiều?

04/12/2019 8:36:23 AM | 727

Khác với công tắc một chiều đơn giản, công tắc hai chiều có sự phức tạp hơn trong cấu tạo, thiết kế cũng như công dụng vượt trội hơn. Vậy công tắc điện thiết kế hai chiều có gì khác biệt so với công tắc điệnmột chiều? Công dụng của công tắc này là gì?

Difference of two way switch
We are familiar with one-way switches that light up and open in a space. In fact, the one-way switch has 2 poles, only the duel service turns on and on once. But the two-way power switch has three terminals, the design is more complicated than the one-way type and from there it is more convenient. And the switch is divided into three types: single-way switch, double switch, triple switch with different switch press design but the circuit system is still 3 pole connected inside.

Two-way switches and electrical wiring diagrams

How to play two-way electrical switch so not as easy as a one-way type but must choose the appropriate optimal. Wiring for switches has many ways to choose from, common, installers will run complex power cables. But this way quite expensive wire. Another equally popular way is to connect to the auxiliary control circuit and the load of the switch, that is, use 2 connectors to the electrical equipment, using phase wires, not expensive wires. This method works according to the principle that when there is current there is a difference in voltage. Therefore, when the two ends of the device are 2 phase wires or 2 neutral wires, there is no current flowing through the device, does not affect the life of electrical equipment so that it saves more power. Therefore, this is a more economical way to apply electricity and wiring than one. For two-way switches - three switches, the re-installation needs more attention due to the high complexity.

The use of 2-way switches
Complex design and wiring are not easy, but the 2-way switch has a more prominent use than the one-way switch. It is the outstanding use that today, many people choose two-way switches instead of one-way as before, especially for areas where two-ball openings are required without installing multiple switches.

Specifically, the 2-way power switch is used to control lighting on and off in two different places. Just one switch will control two lights with the same switch in two different positions. For example, installing both stairs and bedrooms, controlling two lights with the same switch. Due to this convenience, two-way switches are used in many spaces, especially apartments.

Two-way design switches are applied mainly for installing stair circuits, bedrooms, mainly for indoor floors or rooms of apartments. There are different types of design switches for you to choose and use easily. Depending on the circumstances, you can ask the installer, choose the type of switch that suits. Bidirectional double switches double switches are currently the most common, easy to use and install.

You should pay attention to the choice of installing switches in the most convenient position when using for example doors or stairs to turn on and off immediately, easy to move, avoid lack of light. Please buy the appropriate switch and contact a consultant or hire a professional technician for instructions on how to play the switch as well as optimal installation, quality safety, peace of mind to serve your needs. best offline!

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